Gaza isn’t as impor­tant to young vot­ers as expect­ed: Poll

Gaza isn’t as important to young voters as expected: Poll

As anti-Israel protests heat up across Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty and oth­er elite col­lege cam­pus­es, a new Har­vard poll reveals only 2% of peo­ple ages 18–29 con­sid­er the Israel-Hamas con­flict as the most con­cern­ing issue.
When com­par­ing the Israel-Hamas con­flict to oth­er issues, 61% of the time respon­dents said it was a less impor­tant issue. 
The most impor­tant issue for young vot­ers was the econ­o­my, fol­lowed by ille­gal immi­gra­tion and infla­tion. Infla­tion ranks high among young adults, with 64% of respon­dents say­ing it was the most impor­tant issue. Mean­while, stu­dent debt was con­sid­ered an impor­tant issue 26% of the time, and abor­tion rights were the most impor­tant issue half of the time.
Cur­rent­ly, Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is cam­paign­ing heav­i­ly on abor­tion rights, and he is push­ing through stu …