‘He Might Have Just Lost’: Meg­yn Kel­ly Reacts To Biden’s Lat­est Flub

‘He Might Have Just Lost’: Megyn Kelly Reacts To Biden’s Latest Flub

Meg­yn Kel­ly react­ed to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s lat­est flub and said the pres­i­dent “might have just lost” the elec­tion over it.
In a video that sur­faced on X, Biden read every­thing writ­ten on the teleprompter, seem­ing­ly includ­ing instruc­tions, while he was deliv­er­ing remarks on Wednes­day in Wash­ing­ton, D.C., at the North America’s Build­ing Trade Union Nation­al Leg­isla­tive Con­fer­ence. “Four more years. Pause,” Biden appeared to tell the room.
“He might have just lost,” Kel­ly wrote on X, along with the video of Biden’s com­ments. “Seri­ous­ly. Watch this.”
In anoth­er post, the host of “The Meg­yn Kel­ly Show” pod­cast repost­ed a screen­shot of the offi­cial White House tran­script of Biden’s com­ments that read, “Four–more years (inaudi­ble.)
“This real­ly is the per­fect embod­i­ment of the Biden pres­i­den­cy – don’t believe your lyin’ eyes and ears…” Kel­ly’ …