Here’s The Proof That The ‘Free Pales­tine’ Move­ment Is Just BLM Repack­aged

Here’s The Proof That The ‘Free Palestine’ Movement Is Just BLM Repackaged

It wasn’t too long ago that Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, like pret­ty much every school in the coun­try, shut down in-per­son class­es because of COVID. 
In fact, when Columbia’s cur­rent class of seniors began attend­ing the school as fresh­men four years ago, they had to log in to vir­tu­al class­es — for their entire fresh­men year. Sup­pos­ed­ly, this was a once-in-a-life­time event. Extreme times require extreme mea­sures, those stu­dents were told. Nev­er mind that those mea­sures were point­less and did far more harm than go …