STATE PROPAGANDA: ABC Wish­casts Abor­tion Dri­ving A Biden Flori­da Win

Among the major broad­cast net­work evening news­casts, ABC’s is often the like­li­est to go into over-the-top cam­paign pro­pa­gan­da for Democ­rats hold­ing pow­er. Case in point, ABC Whirled News Tonight’s cov­er­age of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s Flori­da speech on abor­tion.
Watch as anchor David Muir and Chief White House cor­re­spon­dent Mary Bruce being a heavy dose of hopi­um to their abor­tion cov­er­age: 

DAVID MUIR: We turn now to Pres­i­dent Biden tonight, hop­ing to put the state of Flori­da back in play this Novem­ber. Tonight, the pres­i­den­t’s major abor­tion ri …