Biden opens first field office in Flori­da as cam­paign gains ground in state

Biden opens first field office in Florida as campaign gains ground in state

After Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cam­paign recent­ly declared Flori­da “winnable,” it has opened its first field office in the state.
The office is in Hills­bor­ough Coun­ty, the third-largest coun­ty in Flori­da, which con­tains most of Tam­pa. The coun­ty has vot­ed Demo­c­rat in the past two elec­tions, but Repub­li­cans are gain­ing ground in vot­er reg­is­tra­tions there.
That has wor­ried Democ­rats, with one cam­paign strate­gist telling Axios the coun­ty must be won in order for the par­ty to have “any future life-force” in Flori­da. Hills­bor­ough Coun­ty con­tributed 376,367 votes for Biden in 2020, the fifth-high­est count for the Demo­c­rat in the state.
Biden recent­ly cam­paigned in Tam­pa, empha­siz­ing abor­tion rights in the wake of Florida’s six-week abor­tion ban, which is set to go into effect next week. A major­i­ty of vot­ers in Flori­da say the six-week ban is too strict, accord­ing to a recent poll.

Pres­i­dent Biden crit­i­cized for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’ …