Biden efforts to pock­et Penn­syl­va­nia in jeop­ardy after write-in votes pass 60,000 mark in pri­ma­ry

Biden efforts to pocket Pennsylvania in jeopardy after write-in votes pass 60,000 mark in primary

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden may have an uphill bat­tle ahead of him in Penn­syl­va­nia after the write-in can­di­date option on the Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry bal­lot notched over 60,000 votes.
While the list of all the write-in entries has yet to be revealed, an orga­nized protest effort against Biden was launched in the Key­stone State that urged vot­ers upset with his han­dling of the Israel–Hamas war to vote against him.ELECTION 2024: FOLLOW LATEST COVERAGE
Uncom­mit­ted PA, the group that spear­head­ed the cam­paign, set a goal of 40,000 “uncom­mit­ted” votes dur­ing the pri­ma­ry. The Asso­ci­at­ed Press had tal­lied 60,223 total write-in votes with 99% of the vote count­ed as of Thurs­day after­noon.
“We are cel­e­brat­ing that mas­sive vic­to­ry of over 60,000 votes, which have near­ly dou­bled the total of write-ins in 2020, and even more so than the write-ins in 2016,” Rah Noo­nan, an orga­niz­er with Uncom­mit­ted PA, told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er.
The coali­tion mobi­lized the write-in cam­paign in rough­ly one month, launch­ing on March 25 with only vol­un­teer mem­bers, a sign of the intense pas­sion …