Chi­nese Com­pa­ny ByteDance Appears To Ignore Threat Of U.S. Ban, Says It ‘Has No Plans’ To Sell Tik­Tok: Report

Chinese Company ByteDance Appears To Ignore Threat Of U.S. Ban, Says It ‘Has No Plans’ To Sell TikTok: Report

Accord­ing to Toutaio, a news and infor­ma­tion con­tent plat­form that is a core prod­uct of the Chi­nese com­pa­ny ByteDance, the par­ent com­pa­ny of Tik­Tok, ByteDance has no plans to sell Tik­Tok.
Last week­end, Con­gress passed a mea­sure that gave ByteDance nine months to sell Tik­Tok or it will be banned in the Unit­ed States. If a sale is in progress dur­ing those nine months, an addi­tion­al three months would be added. On Wednes­day, Pres­i­dent Biden signed the mea­sure into law.
“For­eign media reports that ByteDance is explor­ing the sale of Tik­Tok are untrue. ByteDance has no plans to …