Every­one Point and Laugh at Team Biden Hat­ing the NYT for Not Being Lib­er­al Enough

Everyone Point and Laugh at Team Biden Hating the NYT for Not Being Liberal Enough

In need of a laugh? Check out this unin­ten­tion­al­ly com­i­cal sto­ry run­ning 3,850 words from Thurs­day in Politi­co about the Biden regime’s appar­ent­ly dis­gust with The New York Times: “The Pet­ty Feud Between the NYT and the White House; Biden’s peo­ple think they’re ‘enti­tled.’ The Times says ‘they’re not being real­is­tic.’”
In short, Politico’s Eli Stokols revealed the Biden cam­paign and White House are up in arms with The Times for being what they’ve come to believe are insuf­fi­cient­ly loy­al to The Cause of lib­er­al­ism and not antag­o­nis­tic enough toward Don­ald Trump giv­en democ­ra­cy sup­pos­ed­ly being on the line in Novem­ber.
The com­i­cal tale of lib­er­al eat­ing them …