Joe Rogan claims he would vote for RFK Jr. if he makes it on bal­lot

Joe Rogan claims he would vote for RFK Jr. if he makes it on ballot

Pod­cast­er Joe Rogan offered his vote to pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr. because he “is a great per­son.”
Rogan casu­al­ly made the com­ment with­out being asked about his endorse­ment dur­ing an episode of his pod­cast that aired Wednes­day. In a dis­cus­sion on cen­sor­ship with come­di­an Fran­cis Fos­ter and polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor Kon­stan­tin Kisin, Rogan implied that “there are no real qual­i­ty human beings out there run­ning for office” with a small excep­tion.
“The real prob­lem is peo­ple that want that job [as a politi­cian] shouldn’t have that job. There is a rare few. I think RFK is a great per­son; I would vote for him. I think Tul­si Gab­bard is a great per­son; I woul …