Pro-growth eco­nom­ic poli­cies counter cli­mate change rather than con­tribut­ing to it

Pro-growth economic policies counter climate change rather than contributing to it

The most vocif­er­ous cru­saders in the osten­si­ble cam­paign against cli­mate change often sound less con­cerned with tack­ling green­house gas emis­sions and more with under­min­ing pro-growth cap­i­tal­ism. Intro­duc­ing her mag­num opus, The Cli­mate Book, anti-glob­al warm­ing avatar Gre­ta Thun­berg blamed the phe­nom­e­non on “racist, oppres­sive extrac­tivism that is exploit­ing both peo­ple and the plan­et to max­i­mize short-term prof­its for a few,” call­ing for a total upheaval of the “the whole cap­i­tal­ist sys­tem.”
The grand irony of the 21-year-old Swedish activist’s thrust is not just that she and so many of her ilk have hijacked the real prob­lem of human-caused cli­mate change as a Tro­jan horse for their left-wing eco­nom­ic agen­da. Rather, it is cap­i­tal­ism, not col­lec­tivism, grant­i­ng human­i­ty our great­est hope of over­com­ing cli­mate change. And already, the free mar­ket has achieved quite a great deal for the envi­ron­ment.

Cli­mate activist Gre­ta Thun­berg, back­ground cen­ter, joins pro­test­ers from Fos­sil Free Lon­don in a demon­stra­tion out­side J.P.Morgan’s Canary …