Sev­en Brand New Biden Gaffes ABC, CBS, NBC Are Hid­ing

Seven Brand New Biden Gaffes ABC, CBS, NBC Are Hiding

The Biden gaffes keep com­ing and the Big Three net­works (ABC, CBS, NBC) keep ignor­ing them. 
If Don­ald Trump or any Repub­li­can pres­i­dent was com­mit­ting mis­takes at the rate Biden is, you can bet net­work reporters and anchors would jam their broad­casts with their bloop­ers, but it’s not so for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. 
In just the past week, he’s insult­ed Jews, mid­dle-class Amer­i­cans, and caused a minor inter­na­tion­al inci­dent with his bum­bling state­ments. 
The fol­low­ing are sev­en brand new Biden blun­ders …