Top Ten Egre­gious Rea­sons to DEFUND NPR

Top Ten Egregious Reasons to DEFUND NPR

Any­one who spends time read­ing about NPR on News­Busters is going to roll their eyes when NPR exec­u­tives blath­er about how they believe in “view­point diver­si­ty” and “inclu­sion” of impor­tant voic­es. It’s read­i­ly appar­ent on a dai­ly basis that NPR is a sand­box for left-wingers, pol­ish­ing Democ­rats and pun­ish­ing Repub­li­cans, tout­ing lib­er­al jour­nal­ists as hero­ic and con­ser­v­a­tive jour­nal­ists as a pox on the First Amend­ment.
Com­ing up with a list of ten egre­gious exam­ples to advo­cate for sep­a­rat­ing NPR from the tax­pay­ers is dif­fi­cult, because there are many more exam­ples than just ten. We decid­ed to lim­it it to the Trump era, since that’s rough­ly how long Uri Berlin­er was com­plain­ing inside NPR.
Anti-Patri­ot­ic Song. On July 4, 2018, NPR’s All Things Con­sid­ered ripped a clas­sic Irv­ing Berlin song under the head­line “For ‘God Bless Amer­i­ca,’ A Long Ges­ta­tion And Ven­omous Back­lash.” NPR report­ed that left­ist folksinger Woody …