Trump’s appeal request for $83 mil­lion E Jean Car­roll defama­tion ver­dict denied

Trump’s appeal request for  million E Jean Carroll defamation verdict denied

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s appeal request for E. Jean Carroll’s $83 mil­lion defama­tion suit ver­dict was denied.
In Jan­u­ary, Trump was ordered to pay $83.3 mil­lion in a defama­tion law­suit stem­ming from his denial of Carroll’s claim that he raped her in the mid-1990s. Trump almost imme­di­ate­ly announced he would appeal the deci­sion, an appeal that was shot down on Thurs­day.
In an 18-page rul­ing, Judge Lewis Kaplan dis­missed the legal argu­ment Trump’s attor­neys used, say­ing that the legal prece­dent cit­ed “has no appli­ca­tion to the present case.”
“In short, the argu­ment — which Mr. Trump pre­vi­ous­ly made to the jury, con­spic­u­ous­ly with­out suc­cess, and which defies com­mon sense — does not war­rant dis­missal as a mat­ter of law,” he wrote.
When the rul­ing was made in Jan­u­ary, Trump released a state­ment bash­ing the ver­dicts.
“Absolute­ly ridicu­lous!” he said. “I ful­ly dis­agree with both ver­dicts, and will be appeal­ing this whole Bid …