US, UK, and Cana­da sanc­tion Iran­ian drone net­work

The Unit­ed States, along with the Unit­ed King­dom and Cana­da, announced on Thurs­day addi­tion­al sanc­tions tar­get­ing Iran’s drone pro­lif­er­a­tion net­work.
The Trea­sury Depart­ment sanc­tioned more than a dozen enti­ties, peo­ple, and ves­sels it said “played a cen­tral role in facil­i­tat­ing and financ­ing the clan­des­tine sale of Iran­ian” drones. This net­work works for Iran’s Min­istry of Defense and Armed Forces Logis­tics, or MODAFL, which is involved in sup­port­ing Iran’s Islam­ic Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Guard Corps, and the Guard sup­ports Russia’s war in Ukraine.
“Iran’s Min­istry of Defense con­tin­ues to desta­bi­lize the region and world with its sup­port to Russia’s war in Ukraine, unprece­dent­ed attack on Israel, and pro­life …