Here is where the infla­tion scourge stands six months out from Elec­tion Day

Here is where the inflation scourge stands six months out from Election Day

Six months from now, vot­ers will decide the out­come of one of the most close­ly watched and con­tentious pres­i­den­tial elec­tions in mod­ern his­to­ry, which may turn on the issue of infla­tion.
Ris­ing prices haven’t been a major issue for vot­ers in decades. But over the past few years, infla­tion has been thrust right into the lives of fam­i­lies across the coun­try. The rate of infla­tion began to rise in ear­ly 2021 and crest­ed at over 9% in 2022, amid after­shocks of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, which led to sup­ply chain prob­lems.
Since then, infla­tion has large­ly been falling as a result of the high­er inter­est rates. How­ev­er this year, it has proven stick­i­er than antic­i­pat­ed and has remained a polit­i­cal hot pota­to …