Adam Schiff Robbed In San Fran­cis­co Before Din­ner With Sen­ate Cam­paign Sup­port­ers

Adam Schiff Robbed In San Francisco Before Dinner With Senate Campaign Supporters

Rep. Adam Schiff (D‑CA) was robbed in San Fran­cis­co on Thurs­day before attend­ing a din­ner with wealthy back­ers of his Sen­ate cam­paign, which caused him to show up to the event with­out a suit, accord­ing to the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle.
The Chron­i­cle report­ed that car thieves stole Schiff’s lug­gage, includ­ing his clothes, before he was set to speak at a din­ner attend­ed by lawyer Joe Cotch­ett, who is sup­port­ing Schiff’s Sen­ate run against Repub­li­can can­di­date Steve Gar­vey. The race will deter­mine who will occu­py the seat occu­pied by Dianne Fein­stein before she died. 
“Yes, they took my bags,” Schiff told the Chron­i­cle when asked about the theft of his bag from a vehi­cle in a down­town San Fran­cis­co park­ing garage. “But …