Army reservist tes­ti­fies he warned about gun­man before mass shoot­ing in Maine

An Army reservist and acquain­tance of Robert Card, the gun­man respon­si­ble for a mass shoot­ing in Maine in 2023, tes­ti­fied on Thurs­day that he warned about Card’s behav­ior weeks before the attack occurred, the Asso­ci­at­ed Press report­ed.
Sean Hodg­son told mem­bers of his reserve unit of his con­cerns with Card six weeks before the mass shoot­ing in Maine that left 13 peo­ple wound­ed and 18 peo­ple dead. It was the dead­liest mass shoot­ing in Maine’s his­to­ry.
Hodg­son told inves­ti­ga­tors that he observed strange behav­ior in Card and was con­cerned he might do some­thing vio­lent. He believed he was suf­fer­ing from men­tal health prob­lems, which p …