Biden cam­paign mocks Trump com­ments about foot­ball being ‘bor­ing’ on open­ing NFL draft night

Biden campaign mocks Trump comments about football being ‘boring’ on opening NFL draft night

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s cam­paign didn’t hes­i­tate to use the back­drop of one of the biggest sports events to mock for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
In a 20-sec­ond adver­tise­ment released on Thurs­day, the open­ing night of the NFL draft, the Biden cam­paign took shots at Trump for clips that show the for­mer pres­i­dent call­ing foot­ball “bor­ing as hell.”

NEW AD: Trump says foot­ball is “bor­ing as hell” and “nobody cares” about it.So we’re air­ing this dur­ing the NFL draft for foot­ball fans to see.
— Biden-Har­ris HQ (@BidenHQ) April 25, 2024

The video aims to con­trast Biden’s foot­ball appear­ances with clips show­ing Trump tak­ing shots at foot­ball. It ends with the mes­sage: “Make the right pick in Novem­ber.”
Iron­i­cal­ly, Biden isn’t hold­ing a foot­ball any NFL play­er uses in the last frame fea­tur­ing him in the ad. The pres­i­dent is hold­ing a Sher­rin, an Aus­tralian rules foot­ball, which looks and is shap …