Col­umn: Left­ist Reporters Pre­tend They’re Not Par­ti­san News Squash­ers

<div>Column: Leftist Reporters Pretend They're Not Partisan News Squashers</div>

Eight years ago, the left­ist media took great offense to being dis­missed by Don­ald Trump as “fake news,” but they nev­er seemed to grasp this is exact­ly how they paint­ed the con­ser­v­a­tive media, as truth-defy­ing pro­pa­gan­da out­lets.
When the Trump tri­al turned to the Nation­al Enquir­er, we could find nation­al uni­ty that the Enquir­er defines “fake news.” The left­ies are very excit­ed to remind vot­ers how the Enquir­er was a Trump-allied tabloid full of garbage sto­ries. But the lib­er­al media spread some of them.
In May 2016, the Enquir­er uncorked some garbage that Sen. Ted Cruz (R‑Texas) had cheat­ed on his wife. ABC, CBS, and NBC spent a com­bined 15 and a half min­utes spread­ing the word of this char­ac­ter assas­si­na­tion cam­paign.
The pro-Biden “media reporters” are still upset this week about the Enqui …