Dai­ly Show Tells Netanyahu Cam­pus Encamp­ments Are His Fault

Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu con­demned the anti-Semi­tism at mul­ti­ple encamp­ments on col­lege cam­pus­es across the Unit­ed States and that did not sit well with Com­e­dy Central’s tem­po­rary co-hosts of The Dai­ly Show, Jor­dan Klep­per and Ron­ny Chieng on Thurs­day. Con­ced­ing there are “plen­ty of bad actors,” the duo argued that the encamp­ments are Netanyahu’s fault because of “Israel’s dis­pro­por­tion­ate use of force.”
After play­ing clips of Speak­er Mike John­son and Sen. Josh Haw­ley call­ing for the Nation­al Guard …