Demo­c­ra­t­ic Michi­gan Sen­ate can­di­date accused of lying about being a small busi­ness own­er to score cam­paign points

Democratic Michigan Senate candidate accused of lying about being a small business owner to score campaign points

One Michi­gan Demo­c­rat run­ning for Sen­ate in the state has been accused of start­ing a small busi­ness to gain favor from vot­ers before start­ing her House bid in 2017.
Rep. Elis­sa Slotkin (D‑MI) start­ed a busi­ness called Pin­point Con­sult­ing in June 2017 and then, a month lat­er, announced a run for a House seat using mes­sag­ing por­tray­ing her as a small busi­ness own­er. How­ev­er, her cam­paign did not con­firm if the con­sult­ing busi­ness ever gen­er­at­ed rev­enue or had clients. The firm has been inac­tive since her 2017 House run and has not filed an annu­al report since …