Don­ald Trump Jr. appre­ci­ates but rejects offer to run NRA

Donald Trump Jr. appreciates but rejects offer to run NRA

A key mem­ber of the Nation­al Rifle Asso­ci­a­tion and ally of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is pitch­ing Don­ald Trump Jr. to take over for for­mer NRA Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent Wayne LaPierre.
How­ev­er, a source close to Trump told Secrets this morn­ing that “it’s not some­thing he has any inter­est in doing.”
Trump has shift­ed most of his time to boost­ing his father’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign and mov­ing in as a key sur­ro­gate as the 45th pres­i­dent fights off mul­ti­ple legal chal­lenges from the Biden admin­is­tra­tion and lib­er­al state pros­e­cu­tors.
The Reload report­ed today that NRA board mem­ber Bill Bachen­berg sug­gest­ed in an email to oth­er board mem­bers that Trump would be a good fit to replace LaPierre, who resigned r …