For­mer CBS News anchor Dan Rather to return to net­work for inter­view

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather to return to network for interview

For­mer CBS News anchor Dan Rather will return to his for­mer work­place for an inter­view 18 years after he was fired.
Rather, 92, will appear for an inter­view Sun­day ahead of his doc­u­men­tary Rather. The film details his jour­nal­ism career up until his false reports dur­ing the 2004 U.S. pres­i­den­tial elec­tion that then-Pres­i­dent George W. Bush had large­ly been “AWOL” while in the Nation­al Guard. Lat­er, it was revealed his sources were forged doc­u­ments.
CBS fired Rather because of his false report­ing. He has denied that his reports were false, and Bush went on to win his sec­ond term. In recent years, Rather has become a vocal oppo­nent of Don­ald Trump on social media.
This doc­u­men­tary was already released at the Tribeca Film Fes­ti­val but will sub­se­quent­ly debut on Net­flix on May 1, days after Rather’s CBS appear­ance.
The Moody Col­lege of Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin announced in 2020 that it was unveil­ing two jour­nal­ism awards in Rather’s n …