The Most Dis­turb­ing Part of It

The Big Ten, the Pac-12, and the Ivy League are over­run with anti­se­mit­ic stu­dents protest­ing in favor of Hamas. They claim they sup­port Pales­tini­ans, but “Glob­al­ize the intifa­da” and “Pales­tine will be free from the riv­er to the sea” are explic­it geno­ci­dal slo­gans of Hamas. Democ­rats insist words mean things. These words mean the stu­dents are ter­ror­ist sym­pa­thiz­ers.
Some of the pro­tes­tors are chant­i­ng “Death to Amer­i­ca.” At least one Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent screamed at Jew­ish stu­dents, …