Net­works OMIT Removal of Secret Ser­vice Agent From VP Har­ris’ Detail

Yet anoth­er major scan­dal is swirling around the Secret Ser­vice. This time, a mem­ber of Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris’ pro­tec­tive detail was removed due to an inci­dent includ­ing what appears to be an appar­ent­ly vio­lent men­tal health episode. But none of the evening net­work news­casts picked the sto­ry up.
Per CBS News:

Wash­ing­ton — A U.S. Secret Ser­vice agent assigned to Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris exhib­it­ed “dis­tress­ing behav­ior” Mon­day morn­ing at Joint Base Andrews and was hos­pi­tal­ized, author­i­ties said. Har­ris was not present at the air­base at the time.
In a state­ment pro­vid­ed to CBS News, the U.S. Secret Ser­vice said that at about 9 a.m. local time Mon­day, the agent ” …