News­Busters Pod­cast: Cas­sidy Hutchin­son Nails Those CNN Talk­ing Points

NewsBusters Podcast: Cassidy Hutchinson Nails Those CNN Talking Points

CNN prime­time host Kait­lan Collins gushed over for­mer White House aide Cas­sidy Hutchin­son for 20 min­utes on April 24. Hutchin­son nailed all the CNN-pleas­ing talk­ing points. Collins intro­duced her as “now a fre­quent tar­get of Don­ald Trump’s, after her explo­sive tes­ti­mo­ny before the Jan­u­ary 6 Com­mit­tee.”
Hutchin­son warned: “It’s real­ly impor­tant to stress that the Amer­i­can peo­ple were not giv­en the truth about Don­ald Trump in 2016, and he won. He almost won in 2020. And he very well could win again, if the Amer­i­can peo­ple do not, are not made aware of who he actu­al­ly is.” CNN types think Trump vot­ers are so dumb that they have no idea who Trump is.
She did­n’t say out loud she’ll vote for Biden, but her under­lin­ing of how cru­cial it is to defeat Trump sends the mes­sage loud and clear. She’s adver­tis­ing for Biden-Har­ris, and CNN is hap­py to air it for free. 
Only at the end of this 20-minute inter …