Noem recounts grue­some tale about killing her 14-month-old dog who couldn’t hunt: ‘I hat­ed that dog’

Noem recounts gruesome tale about killing her 14-month-old dog who couldn’t hunt: ‘I hated that dog’

Gov. Kristi Noem (R‑SD), a poten­tial run­ning mate for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, described sev­er­al grue­some tales in her new book, which includ­ed sto­ries of killing her dog and goat.
The book, titled No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Pol­i­tics and How We Move Amer­i­ca For­ward, includes a sto­ry of how she put down her 14-month-old pup­py, named Crick­et, because the dog killed a local family’s chick­ens after a pheas­ant hunt­ing trip and bit her when she tried to stop it. The sto­ry was sup­posed to show how Noem would do any­thing “messy and ugly” when it comes to pol­i­tics and oth­er­wise.
She described how the dog ruined the pre­vi­ous hunt by “chas­ing all those birds and hav­ing the time of her life.” Noem said she “hat­ed that dog,” and …