Bat­tle for North Dakota’s sole House seat gets per­son­al with plas­tic surgeon’s attack web­site

Battle for North Dakota’s sole House seat gets personal with plastic surgeon’s attack website

EXCLUSIVE — A low-key pri­ma­ry con­test for North Dakota‘s sole House seat has inten­si­fied, with Repub­li­can can­di­dates launch­ing ads and web­sites attack­ing each oth­er as both look to replace out­go­ing Rep. Kel­ly Arm­strong (R‑ND).
For a seat that Cook Polit­i­cal Report rates as sol­id Repub­li­can with R+20, either Bis­mar­ck plas­tic sur­geon and for­mer state Rep. Rick Beck­er or North Dako­ta Pub­lic Ser­vice Com­mis­sion­er Julie Fedor­chak would like­ly win the 2024 gen­er­al elec­tion in Novem­ber. Ahead of the pri­ma­ry on June 11, Beck­er and Fedor­chak are look­ing to sway vot­ers based on who has the best con­ser­v­a­tive record to increase the Repub­li­can major­i­ty in the House.
Beck­er is launch­ing a web­site called this week­end, label­ing Fedor­chak a “swamp crea­ture,” “lob­by­ist,” and “RINO,” or Repub­li­can in name only, accord­ing to th …