NPR: Baby Sleep Train­ing ‘Sac­ri­fices Our Babies’ Well-Being on Altar of Cap­i­tal­ism’

<div>NPR: Baby Sleep Training ‘Sacrifices Our Babies' Well-Being on Altar of Capitalism’</div>

Greg Ros­al­sky of Nation­al Pub­lic Radio’s pod­cast “Plan­et Mon­ey” (which aims to explain the econ­o­my to lis­ten­ers) has returned back from “lengthy parental leave” smit­ten by left­ist social media rants, as shown in Monday’s seg­ment “Sleep train­ing: Life pre­serv­er for par­ents or “symp­tom of cap­i­tal­ism”?” No sur­prise, giv­en the woke luna­cy that has tak­en over tax­pay­er-sup­port­ed NPR.

….Now that I’m a work­ing par­ent, I want to take just one brief moment to com­plain on behalf of all of us. Like mil­lions of par­ents before me, I’ve dis­cov­ered it’s hard to be pro­duc­tive when you’re sleep deprived.

He explained the con­cept of “sleep train­ing,” a “euphemism for the most infa­mous and con­tro­ver­sial method: Cry It Out. Basi­cal­ly, you put your baby in a crib or bassinet in a sep­a­rate room …