Peter Mei­jer drops pri­ma­ry bid for Michi­gan Sen­ate seat

Peter Meijer drops primary bid for Michigan Senate seat

Peter Mei­jer, a for­mer con­gress­man and scion of the Mei­jer super­mar­ket chain, announced on Fri­day that he would be with­draw­ing from the Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry race for U.S. Sen­ate in Michi­gan. 
Mei­jer shared in a post on Face­book that he lacked a “strong path­way to vic­to­ry” and that the “fun­da­men­tals” of the race have sig­nif­i­cant­ly changed since he start­ed his cam­paign six months ago. 
“Con­tin­u­ing this cam­paign only increas­es the like­li­hood of a divi­sive pri­ma­ry that would dis­tract from the essen­tial goal — con­ser­v­a­tive vic­to­ries in Novem­ber,” Mei­jer said.
Mei­jer had hoped to take the vacant seat of Sen. Deb­bie Stabenow (D‑MI), who announced last year that after two decades, she would be retir­ing. 
The one­time con­gress­man lost his House seat dur­ing the 2022 midterm elec­tions to a Trump-endorsed can­di­date. Notably, Mei­jer vot­ed to impea …