Trump’s Truth Social bet­tors have made more than $200 mil­lion short­ing stock

Trump’s Truth Social bettors have made more than 0 million shorting stock

Investors have tak­en a keen inter­est in for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s Truth Social — but not in the way he might like.
With investors key­ing in on met­rics that don’t add up on DJT, the stock tick­er for Truth Social, many have decid­ed to short the stock in a ploy to stuff their pock­ets with cash. 
And it’s been work­ing.
An analy­sis from the Asso­ci­at­ed Press places prof­its from short-sell­ers at about $200 mil­lion, not includ­ing the upfront pre­mi­ums, which have been large due to the stock’s per­ceived over­val­u­a­tion. 
A few investors inter­viewed by the AP have bought “put” options, which are designed to pay out if investors can pre­dict the price of a stock cor­rect­ly.
For exam­ple, one buys a put option for an upfront pre­mi­um on a stock for a “strike price” of $5 for a cer­tain date when the stock is trad­ing at $8. If the stock dips below $5, the option is “in-the-mon­ey,” and the option hold­er may close the posi­tion by sell­ing 100 shares of stock per option a …