White House Cor­re­spon­dents’ Din­ner puts spot­light back on Biden per­for­mance

White House Correspondents’ Dinner puts spotlight back on Biden performance

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is ven­tur­ing into the lion’s den this week­end at the White House Cor­re­spon­dents’ Din­ner.
A tough gig before a tough crowd, Biden’s at-times tense rela­tion­ship with the press will be placed to one side for one night, but that will not stop reporters and news exec­u­tives from apprais­ing his per­for­mance.
Biden was able to silence most Demo­c­ra­t­ic crit­ics con­cerned about his age and men­tal acu­ity before November’s gen­er­al elec­tion against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump with his State of the Union address last month, at least for now. Since his State of the Union on March 7, Biden’s aver­age job approval has improved from net neg­a­tive 17 per­cent­age points to net neg­a­tive 15.5 points, accord­ing to Real­Clear­Pol­i­tics.
But with Trump hav­ing a slight edge in nation­al polls, per the same aggre­gat …