Sarah Par­shall Per­ry On The Sweep­ing Changes To Title IX

Sarah Parshall Perry On The Sweeping Changes To Title IX

The fol­low­ing is an edit­ed tran­script of a recent inter­view between Dai­ly Wire edi­tor-in-chief John Bick­ley and Her­itage Foun­da­tion senior legal fel­low Sarah Par­shall Per­ry on a Sat­ur­day Extra edi­tion of Morn­ing Wire. They dis­cuss the Biden Administration’s sweep­ing changes to Title IX and the dam­ag­ing impli­ca­tions for female and male ath­letes.
JOHN: Join­ing us now to pro­vide a deep dive into the changes to Title IX made by the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is Her­itage Foun­da­tion senior legal fel­low Sarah Par­shall Per­ry. Sarah, thank you for join­ing us.
SARAH: Hap­py to be here.
JOHN: So, there have been some major devel­op­ments with Title IX rule changes that are seis­mic in their poten­tial. There are also a lot of mis­con­cep­tions around what’s been changed and what hasn’t been chang …