White House Report Card: Biden dri­ves his approval rat­ing into a ditch

White House Report Card: Biden drives his approval rating into a ditch

This week’s White House Report Card finds Pres­i­dent Joe Biden in a tor­na­do of trou­ble.
Let’s start with his polling. Gallup on Fri­day aver­aged oth­er polling that has shown just how unpop­u­lar the pres­i­dent is. Biden has dropped to a 68-year pres­i­den­tial low, 38.7% approval. That is near­ly 10 points below where for­mer Pres­i­dent Jim­my Carter was at this point in his pres­i­den­cy, and we remem­ber what hap­pened in his reelec­tion bid.
That dis­mal approval rat­ing puts Biden exact­ly 10 points below the bare his­tor­i­cal min­i­mum he needs to secure reelec­tion, accord­ing to Gallup.

Next there is the econ­o­my. Not only has infla­tion dug in and GDP petered out, but union work­ers are pub­licly rip­ping Biden’s lead­er­ship on live TV.
And there were more exam­ples of the president’s stum­bles and mum­bles. First there were reports of aides being ordered to walk between the presid …