Can­dace Cameron Bure warns future child stars to have peo­ple ‘to pro­tect you’

Candace Cameron Bure warns future child stars to have people ‘to protect you’

Actress Can­dace Cameron Bure came away from the doc­u­men­tary Qui­et on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV with advice for wannabe child stars.
The doc­u­men­tary dis­cuss­es instances of an inap­pro­pri­ate work­place with­in Nikelodeon Stu­dios. Actor Drake Bell revealed him­self to be the once-anony­mous minor behind a crim­i­nal case against Nick­elodeon act­ing coach Bri­an Peck. Bell alleged he was repeat­ed­ly and vio­lent­ly assault­ed by Peck, who was ulti­mate­ly con­vict­ed in 2004. Mean­while, Bure played D.J. Tan­ner on the ’80s sit­com Full House and report­ed she nev­er had the same expe­ri­ence in an inter­view with E! News.
“If you love it, it can be a won­der­ful indus­try,” Bure said. “You real­ly need peo­ple around you to pro­tect you that are look­ing out for your best inter­est and just be care­ful of every­one else’s motives — ’cause they’re not always your best inter­est.”
The actress claimed her par­ents were “always around” and “so pro­tec­tive” dur­ing her near­ly 200-episode run on Full …