HYSTERICAL: Stephanopou­los Opens ‘This Week’ With ‘Stakes’ Edi­to­r­i­al

ABC This Week host George Stephanopou­los opened today’s broad­cast with an edi­to­r­i­al that can most char­i­ta­bly be described as hys­ter­i­cal, as he pon­tif­i­cates over “what’s at stake” in the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion, and how that col­ors his cov­er­age of the elec­tion.
Watch the open­ing edi­to­r­i­al in its entire­ty as aired on ABC This Week on Sun­day, April 28th, 2024:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Good morn­ing, and wel­come to This Week. Until now, no Amer­i­can pres­i­dent had ever faced a crim­i­nal tri­al. No Amer­i­can pres­i­dent had ever faced a fed­er­al indict­ment for r …