Jonathan Tur­ley: Supreme Court Needs To Strike A Bal­ance On Pres­i­den­tial Immu­ni­ty

Jonathan Turley: Supreme Court Needs To Strike A Balance On Presidential Immunity

George Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty law pro­fes­sor Jonathan Tur­ley argued over the week­end that the Supreme Court need­ed to strike a bal­ance when rul­ing over whether pres­i­dents have absolute immu­ni­ty from pros­e­cu­tion.
Tur­ley made the remarks dur­ing an inter­view with Shan­non Bream on “Fox News Sun­day”.
“There is a slip­pery slope on both sides, but I was sur­prised with the three jus­tices on the left, is that they didn’t seem at all con­cerned about how extreme that argu­men …