Rep. Sum­mer Lee express­es doubt young peo­ple are enthu­si­as­tic about vot­ing for Biden

Rep. Sum­mer Lee (D‑PA) expressed con­cern about young voter’s enthu­si­asm for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden going into the 2024 gen­er­al elec­tion. 
On CBS News’s Face the Nation, Lee said she is not see­ing as much enthu­si­asm from young vot­ers about Biden as in 2020 due to Biden’s poli­cies toward Israel. Lee recent­ly vis­it­ed the Uni­ver­si­ty of Pitts­burgh in her dis­trict to join stu­dent protests that are call­ing for the uni­ver­si­ty to divest from Israel in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war. 
“To be hon­est, you know, we don’t,” Lee said when asked if she sees enthu­si­asm from stu­dents about vot­ing for Biden. “It’s not a top­ic that always comes up, but it does a lot.”
In 2020, half of the youth pop­u­la­tion in the Unit­ed States, com­posed of those aged 18–29, vot­ed in the last elec­tion, which was an 11% increase from the 201 …