REVISIONIST HISTORY: CBS Sun­day Morn­ing Sug­ar­coats Dan Rather’s Lega­cy

On CBS This Morn­ing, cor­re­spon­dent Lee Cow­an ran a life­time achieve­ment pro­file of dis­graced anchor Dan Rather that seemed weird­ly vale­dic­to­ry. But the pro­file omit­ted the most sig­nif­i­cant detail of Rather’s lega­cy at CBS.
Watch as Cow­an and Rather white­wash the doc­u­ment con­tro­ver­sy that led to Rather’s down­fall at CBS, and estab­lished him as the father of Fake News- as aired on CBS Sun­day Morn­ing on Sun­day, April 28th, 2024 (click “expand”):

DAN RATHER: Dan Rather, CBS News, became sort of all part of my name. A part of my iden­ti­ty.
LEE COWAN: And you …