Tex­ans wide receiv­er among 10 hit in mass shoot­ing

Texans wide receiver among 10 hit in mass shooting

Hous­ton Tex­ans wide receiv­er Tank Dell is out of the hos­pi­tal after suf­fer­ing an injury in a mass shoot­ing in Flori­da on Sun­day.
Dell was at a pri­vate event host­ed by the restau­rant Cabana Live. Typ­i­cal­ly, the restau­rant lim­its its patrons to those over the age of 18 at sun­down. How­ev­er, the sus­pect­ed gun­man, 16-year-old Christo­pher Bouie Jr., was able to shoot ten peo­ple at the pool­side restau­rant after mid­night. All sur­vived with non-life threat­en­ing injuries.

Hous­ton Tex­ans wide receiv­er Tank Dell (3) walks on the field before an NFL foot­ball game against the Ten­nessee Titans, Sun­day, Dec. 31, 2023, in Hous­ton. (AP Photo/Eric Chris­t­ian Smith)

“We have been made aware that Tank Dell was a vic­tim of a shoot­ing in San­ford, Fla., last night,” the Tex­ans said in a state­ment. “He sus­tained a minor w …