Texas moth­er won’t be charged for shoot­ing 14-year-old home intrud­er

A grand jury has decid­ed not to pros­e­cute a Texas moth­er after she killed a 14-year-old boy who was invad­ing her home.
The grand jury in Tar­rant Coun­ty did not find enough evi­dence to charge Aleah Wal­lace, a moth­er of four girls. As such, the jury opt­ed to no-bill her, four months after the shoot­ing Wal­lace was involved in. 
“I feel great that they were able to see it through my eyes,” Wal­lace said after the grand jury’s deci­sion.
The Decem­ber shoot­ing occurred when Devin Bak­er, 14, tried to break through the win­dow of Wallace’s 8‑year-old daughter’s room. Wal­lace has since giv­en her con­do­lences to Baker’s fam­i­ly.
Beyond poten­tial­ly fac­ing charges from the shoot­ing, Wallace’s land­lord also tried to evict her from her home, clai …