Ben Shapiro Chal­lenges RFK Jr. On Abor­tion

Ben Shapiro Challenges RFK Jr. On Abortion

In a wide-rang­ing inter­view with Demo­c­rat-turned-inde­pen­dent pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Dai­ly Wire Edi­tor Emer­i­tus Ben Shapiro chal­lenged Kennedy on how he squares his stance on abor­tion with the Catholic faith he grew up in.
Dur­ing their hour-and-a-half dis­cus­sion, Shapiro chal­lenged Kennedy’s posi­tion on abor­tion in par­tic­u­lar. Shapiro explained that abor­tion oppo­nents are con­cerned about the child’s bod­i­ly auton­o­my as well as the mother’s, and point­ed out that the Catholic Church oppos­es abor­tion. Like many in his fam­i­ly, Kennedy is a Catholic.
Kennedy said he believes every abor­tion is a “tragedy,” but that the issue is “m …