Don Lemon Shows No Remorse for Trump-Rus­sia Probe, Mock­ing MAGA in WILD Inter­view

Don Lemon Shows No Remorse for Trump-Russia Probe, Mocking MAGA in WILD Interview

In an inter­view post­ed Fri­day with The Intercept’s Ryan Grim and Fed­er­al­ist editor/National Jour­nal­ism Cen­ter (NJC) direc­tor Emi­ly Jashin­sky, for­mer CNN host Don Lemon showed zero regret or remorse for CNN’s Trump-Rus­sia obses­sions, mock­ing Trump vot­ers as Boomer rubes, and insist­ed CNN had no lib­er­al bias.
Grim and Jashin­sky scored the Lemon inter­view as the first long-form sit-down for their show Counter Points as part of the Break­ing Points net­work, helmed by Krys­tal Ball and Saa­gar Enjeti.
The pompous lib­er­al jour­nal­ist couldn’t even ful­ly engage with the two ques­tions about whether he felt like he had more free­dom to cov­er top­ics now that he’s in inde­pen­dent media ver­sus his days inside cor­po­rate media and, in a fol­low-up, whether he was restrict­ed at CNN.
Lemon’s arro­gance came out as he bragged he “prob­a­bly had the most edi­to­r­i­al free­dom on — on my own net­work than any­one” per­haps in part due to the air­time (before admit­ting, yes, hav­ing an inde­pen­dent show has helped him fos­ter “com­mu­ni­ty” and bet­ter engage­ment with view­ers).
After an amus­ing exchange when Lemon refused to engage with Jashinsky’s ques­tions about …