Google Invests in AI Edu­ca­tion as it Unleash­es ‘Secret Weapon’

Google Invests in AI Education as it Unleashes ‘Secret Weapon’

Google just announced a mas­sive invest­ment in train­ing Amer­i­cans to use its biased and anti-free speech arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.
Big Tech giant Google proud­ly declared its AI edu­ca­tion invest­ment in an April 26 release. Ben­e­fi­cia­ries of these funds include the Insti­tute for Vet­er­ans and Mil­i­tary Fam­i­lies (IVMF) and Good­will, which are each expect­ed to train Amer­i­can mil­i­tary mem­bers, vet­er­ans and civil­ians in AI skills. The prob­lem? Google’s AI and search engine both have a track record of giv­ing anti-free speech and woke results, so much so that the tech com­pa­ny is not a trust­wor­thy source of AI train­ing.
“Togeth­er with our part­ners, we want to make sure every­one can take advan­tage of the oppor­tu­ni­ties AI will pro­vide,” the release declared. “That’s why today we are announc­ing a $75 mil­lion Google AI Oppor­tu­ni­ty Fund, made pos­si­ble with sup­port from, our phil­an­thropic arm.” The release added, “Through this fund, will work with non­prof­it, edu­cat …