House Repub­li­cans to host show­case to hon­or Nation­al Small Busi­ness Week

House Republicans to host showcase to honor National Small Business Week

EXCLUSIVE — House Repub­li­cans on the Small Busi­ness Com­mit­tee are invit­ing small busi­ness­es from their dis­tricts to a show­case on Wednes­day in hon­or of Nation­al Small Busi­ness Week, an event that will both high­light the work of “our nation’s job cre­ators” and the “hor­ri­ble reg­u­la­to­ry onslaught” on the com­mu­ni­ty from the Biden admin­is­tra­tion.
As of Mon­day, 15 small busi­ness­es from 15 dis­tricts are com­ing to the show­case. The mem­bers host­ing the dis­tricts are com­mit­tee Chair­man Roger Williams (R‑TX) and Major­i­ty Whip Tom Emmer (R‑MN), as well as Reps. Lori Chavez-DeRe­mer (R‑OR), Mark Moli­naro (R‑NY), Bran­don Williams (R‑NY), Ryan Zinke (R‑MT), Mike Lawler (R‑NY), Tracey Mann (R‑KS), Beth Van Duyne (R‑TX), John James (R‑MI), Jim Jor­dan (R‑OH), Jim Banks (R‑IN), Tim Wal­berg (R‑MI), Nick LaLota (R‑NY), and Dan Meuser (R‑PA …