Hunter Biden Threat­ens Defama­tion Law­suit Against Fox News

Hunter Biden Threatens Defamation Lawsuit Against Fox News

Hunter Biden, the indict­ed son of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, is threat­en­ing Fox News with a defama­tion law­suit unless the cable net­work bends to demands from his lawyers over unflat­ter­ing con­tent about his per­son­al life and busi­ness deal­ings, includ­ing con­tent from a lap­top that he pur­port­ed­ly aban­doned at a repair shop.
A let­ter sent last Tues­day warned of “immi­nent” lit­i­ga­tion over an alleged “con­spir­a­cy and sub­se­quent actions to defame Mr. Biden and paint him in a false light, the unli­censed com­mer­cial exploita­tion of his image, name, and like­ness, and the unlaw­ful pub­li­ca­tion of hacked inti­mate images of him,” accord­ing to NBC News.
Axios report­ed the attor­neys request­ed hosts includ­ing Sean Han­ni­ty, Jesse Wat …