Illi­nois law­mak­ers not push­ing for abor­tion bal­lot mea­sure for Novem­ber

Illinois lawmakers not pushing for abortion ballot measure for November

Abor­tion is slat­ed to be on the bal­lot across the coun­try this Novem­ber, but law­mak­ers in one blue state appear to be hap­py to let abor­tion-rights resources flood to oth­er states.
Illi­nois has abor­tion laws that allow the pro­ce­dure through via­bil­i­ty, with excep­tions allow­ing for lat­er abor­tions to pre­serve the phys­i­cal and men­tal health of the moth­er, putting it in line with some of the least restric­tive laws in the coun­try. One of the lead­ing back­ers of an abor­tion bal­lot mea­sure, Demo­c­ra­t­ic state Rep. Kel­ly Cas­sidy, told WTTW that law­mak­ers are not in a rush to get abor­tion rights enshrined in the state con­sti­tu­tion.
“We are sit­ting here on pret­ty good laws; w …