NBC Does Anoth­er Bide­nomics-Relat­ed Sto­ry With No Men­tion Of Biden or Bide­nomics

If you watch close­ly, a new theme is emerg­ing among the cor­po­rate media: the pub­li­ca­tion of sto­ries relat­ed to the econ­o­my which describe some­thing that is worse now than four years ago due to Bide­nomics, with­out ever men­tion­ing Pres­i­dent Biden or Bide­nomics. The most recent exam­ple comes via NBC News in a report on the cur­rent advan­tages of rent­ing ver­sus home own­er­ship.
Watch the report in its entire­ty, as aired on NBC Night­ly News on Mon­day, April 29th …