Pennsylvania’s inno­va­tion econ­o­my remains chal­lenged

Pennsylvania’s innovation economy remains challenged

(The Cen­ter Square) – Pennsylvania’s inno­va­tion econ­o­my is high­ly con­cen­trat­ed in three hubs, and expand­ing growth statewide remains a chal­lenge.
Though the com­mon­wealth has some strengths in research, it’s not trans­lat­ing into its full poten­tial said the direc­tor of Brook­ings Metro.
“The full promise of Pittsburgh’s next econ­o­my remains unre­al­ized,” said Alan Berube, inter­im vice pres­i­dent and direc­tor of Brook­ings Metro, dur­ing an event in the city on how to revi­tal­ize Amer­i­can indus­try. “The region’s top-flight research assets are not ye …