San Fran­cis­co home­less­ness non­prof­it group accused of mis­man­ag­ing $240 mil­lion of tax­pay­er dol­lars: ‘Irre­spon­si­ble’

San Francisco homelessness nonprofit group accused of mismanaging 0 million of taxpayer dollars: ‘Irresponsible’

A gov­ern­ment watch­dog group found that a San Fran­cis­co home­less­ness non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tion was guilty of being “care­less and irre­spon­si­ble” with $240 mil­lion of tax­pay­er mon­ey. 
The report by OpenThe­Books found that Home­Rise, which runs 1,500 units across 19 prop­er­ties on a $34 mil­lion annu­al bud­get, had mis­used funds and engaged in prac­tices that “height­ened the risk of fraud.”
The city’s $240 mil­lion fund­ing of Home­Rise includes $110 mil­lion in loans to devel­op and upgrade prop­er­ties, $90 mil­lion for oper­a­tions, and more than $40 mil­lion in grants for sup­port ser­vices.
“It’s unclear exact­ly how much of the $240 mil­lion grants, loans, and sub­si­dies was mis­used, but what is clear is that this com­pa­ny should nev­er have been trust­ed with pub­lic funds,” OpenThe­Book …